Don’t Look Back

“If you spend all of your time looking in the rearview mirror, you’ll never be able to see where you’re going.”  How many of you are familiar with this often cited, yet powerful quote?  It’s very easy for many of us to downplay the importance of looking ahead, particularly when it comes to mental health and wellness.  

When we look ahead, we’re signifying hope and promise, along with the opportunity to move forward.  This doesn’t mean that we automatically forget the past or ignore the origins of serious issues in our lives.  However, it does mean that we recognize how much still lies ahead of us in our life’s journey.  It invites the healing process to begin, as well as new relationships and habits to form.   

Ruminating on the past does nothing but keep us stuck mentally, physically, and spiritually.  I recognize that traumatic events, injuries, illnesses, and other serious experiences can and do wound us deeply, leaving scars both seen and unseen.  However, I also recognize (from personal experience) that continually focusing on those events, along with the constant “what-ifs” of life, will never provide the freedom and healing that countless individuals seek on a daily basis.  

As my husband is fond of saying, “The past is the past.  It cannot be changed or improved.”  I encourage you today to let go of the past and consider the possibilities of the present and the future.  Over time, your perspective on life will change for the better and your ability to chart a new course full of hope and promise will grow stronger each day.


Community, Wellness, and Growth


The Daily Discipline of Decisions